Face it; there are just some dental procedures that really are scary, even for those that don't tend to have dental fears. If you are going to have a tooth extracted, this can be scary. It won't help that you have probably heard many horror stories throughout your lifetime about tooth extractions. Getting implants can also be scary. It's not a calming feeling to know that the dentist will be putting an incision in your gum and fusing a post directly to your bone. However, what this article focuses on is explaining the reasons why you should really calm down about your dental visit.
Dentists have all the appropriate tools and knowledge to do what needs to be done – Keep in mind that no matter what you are going in to have done, the dentist has done it before. They have all the tools and equipment needed to do the job properly and the knowledge to do it in a non-invasive way as possible. So, while this is all new to you, it really is just another day at the office for your dentist, so have some faith and calm down.
Dentists have medications to help you out – If you are having something minor done, then the dentist will be able to give you a shot in your gums that will completely numb them so that you won't feel a thing. If you are having something a bit more invasive done, then they also have medications to help you out there as well. They can give you an anesthesia that will keep you awake, but make you completely relaxed and even help prevent you from remembering the procedure. They also have an anesthesia that will put you completely under, so you can just say goodnight completely for the entire procedure and wake up when it is all done and over with. Be honest and upfront with your dentist about the extent of your fears, so they choose the best option for your situation.
Dentists will take care of you after you go home – Don't worry that the dentist is going to do something to your mouth while you are numbed for the procedure and then send you home to recover in pain. They won't forget you need to be taken care of while you heal. If the discomfort will be mild, then they may suggest something like Tylenol for you. If the discomfort is going to go beyond mild pain, then they can also prescribe something stronger for you to get you over the toughest part of the recovery. Then, you can switch to something over the counter as you begin to feel much better. The good news is the mouth tends to heal quickly, so you shouldn't experience pain for very long.
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