Signs You Need To Go To The Dentist

If you are like most people, going to the family dental care clinic is the last thing on your to-do list (if it even makes the list at all). Most people have issues with going to the dentist, even though the benefits far outweigh any negatives there may be about dental care. If you are one of those people that avoid the dentist's office, it is important that you get to know some of the signs you need to go to the family dental care clinic for dental work. That way, you can be sure you are taking the best care of your teeth possible in spite of your reservations about the dentist. 

Your Gums Start Bleeding

When you are brushing your teeth, your gums should not bleed normally. As such, if they do start bleeding when you brush, you should call and schedule an appointment at the family dental care clinic as soon as possible. 

Bleeding gums can be an early sign of gum disease. Gum disease is something you do not want to let go untreated or unchecked. It can cause numerous problems in your mouth and with your overall health. 

Your Gums Hurt When You Brush

Another potential sign of gum disease is pain in your gums when you brush your teeth. Even without bleeding, painful brushing can be problematic.

If you are using anything other than a soft-bristled toothbrush, you should switch and wait a few days to see if that resolves the gum pain. If it doesn't, contact your dentist for an appointment right away. 

You Haven't Seen a Dentist in a Year

Generally, dentists want you to come in for cleanings and dental checkups every six months (twice a year). As such, if you haven't seen your dentist in a year or more, now is the time to make an appointment. 

The plaque buildup can get pretty bad on your teeth in that amount of time, not to mention you could develop severe cavities, gum disease, and more. It is best for your overall health and your oral health to get in to the dentist right away if it has been a long time since you saw one. 

You Have a Toothache

Toothaches are a common issue and probably the leading cause of people seeking help from a family dental care clinic. If you develop pain in one or more of your teeth, you could have several issues going on. Cavities and tooth rot are the most troubling causes of toothaches and should be dealt with by a dentist immediately if you have these issues. 

Now that you know some of the signs you need to go to the dentist, you can be sure to schedule your family dental care clinic appointment right away if these situations are affecting you.  

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Tips To Prevent Dry Socket After Oral Surgery Our oral surgery and general dental website offers important information on how to prevent dry socket following a tooth extraction. After getting your tooth pulled, a protective blood clot develops over the extraction site. Many of our blog posts explain how this protective clot helps promote healing after an extraction. You'll learn that if the clot is accidentally dislodged, dry socket may occur, which can raise your risk for infection and heavy bleeding. We'll provide you with important tips on how to prevent this by avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw. You'll also learn that swishing water around your mouth should be avoided for a couple of days following your extraction because doing so creates a suction that may dislodge your clot, leading to dry socket.


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