Botox For Treating Dental Symptoms

Botox is an injectable, neuroaffective substance that works to adjust the balance between muscles and nerves in the body. It can be injected into numerous sites in the body and is used by cosmetic surgeons, dentists, and orthodontists. There are numerous ways that Botox can be used in dentistry, including the following:   

Treat TMJ Pain

Individuals who suffer from pain in their temporomandibular joint may experience sliding, grinding, clicking, and popping in their jaw. This pain can be extreme and can radiate down into the neck or shoulder or trigger migraine headaches. Botox treatment can help control the pain that an individual who suffers from a TMJ disorder experiences, making them more comfortable throughout the day and limiting the painful symptoms that they experience. 

Reduce Teeth Grinding

Many people experience tooth grinding, or bruxism, as they sleep at night. This can cause pain in the jaw and face, and wear down the teeth. Botox injections can help to manage the tension an individual experiences in their face and jaw so that they grind their teeth less as they sleep. Limiting this behavior can lower the amount of pain that one experiences due to clenching the jaw and grinding one's teeth. 

Botox After Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment is used to align the teeth, helping to keep them straight and even. However, as a patient undergoes a series of orthodontic treatments, they may find that they experience pain in the muscles and nerves of their face. Botox treatments can help improve this situation dramatically, loosening the clenched muscles and helping the individual's face relax as they go through orthodontic treatments. If you're experiencing dramatic pain and discomfort while wearing braces, speak with your orthodontist. There may be a solution to help you manage facial pain and keep you more comfortable throughout the process.

When you hear about Botox, it's common to only think of cosmetic procedures. However, this medical treatment can be used to eliminate pain, relax the muscles in the face, help reduce jaw clenching and teeth grinding, and treat the extreme pain that TMJ disorders can cause. If you're experiencing pain in your face, neck, or jaw, or headaches radiating from these areas, contact your dentist or orthodontist today. They can evaluate your situation and help determine if you're a good candidate for Botox treatments, then develop a treatment plan so that your pain is controlled. Contact a local professional today to learn more about the options that are available.

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Tips To Prevent Dry Socket After Oral Surgery Our oral surgery and general dental website offers important information on how to prevent dry socket following a tooth extraction. After getting your tooth pulled, a protective blood clot develops over the extraction site. Many of our blog posts explain how this protective clot helps promote healing after an extraction. You'll learn that if the clot is accidentally dislodged, dry socket may occur, which can raise your risk for infection and heavy bleeding. We'll provide you with important tips on how to prevent this by avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw. You'll also learn that swishing water around your mouth should be avoided for a couple of days following your extraction because doing so creates a suction that may dislodge your clot, leading to dry socket.


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